If you’re looking to market to your customers, email just may be the best channel available. Are you using it? Most cannabis shops collect customer data, but few are tapping into the gold mine that is an engaged email subscriber list. Below we have detailed why email should be a staple of your integrated marketing plan.
We all know the horrors of trying to promote a cannabis or CBD brand on social media or successfully getting to 2,000 followers only to be shut down. Traditional marketing channels can't always be relied upon in this industry. While SEO can be optimized, only so many people can show up on page one of Google. Your brand needs to leverage other marketing channels, which is why a captive engaged audience of email subscribers is so beneficial.
Why Email?
Email works. Primarily because consumers want it. OptinMonster reports that 61% of people prefer to be contacted by brands via email. And with a whopping 92% of adults using email, it is one of the most widespread channels available. Many people check their email before social media and 99% of users check it daily. What better direct line to your customers could you ask for? Finally, according to Litmus, the return on investment for marketing emails is a staggering $42 for every $1 spent. The money speaks for itself!
Complete Ownership
As the business owner, you own your email list, and that list provides a direct line to your customers. Email is unique because you have complete control over the content, unlike other channels where you are restricted by external rules. When Meta took the day off, people with email lists were still able to communicate with their audience. You can be authentically you in your emails. This is huge when it comes to establishing your brand voice. When you craft a few high quality transactional emails automated to respond to customer actions, you begin nurturing customers into fans. Simultaneously, you convert more sales.
Brand Identity
What do customers associate with your brand? How have you developed a unique identity that makes you memorable? Email is one of the best ways to build a brand voice and establish brand loyalty. Because as we all know, when we find a brand we love, we stick to it. Ever questioned someone’s choice of iPhone or Android? You get it. If you aren’t sure how to communicate what makes your brand unique, email is a great place to start. A welcome email, triggered when a customer opts in to your list, immediately makes them feel connected to your brand and builds rapport. You can also allow users to update their preference center which allows you to segment your list even further and promotes customer engagement. Targeting preferences helps people feel seen and known and personalizes their experience with your brand. It also improves your open rate because customers are more likely to read an email that appeals to their specific interests. This also helps you offer tailored benefits through a loyalty program and turn one time customers into repeat customers.
Always Working
Welcome emails are just one example of a transactional email that works even when you aren’t.
Numerous emails can be automated based on subscriber’s actions. A tool like Klaviyo, which we use as certified email partners, allows you to streamline the customer journey through evergreen content. This content ranges from re-engagement emails when subscribers stop opening your emails to abandoned cart emails when someone does not complete the path to purchase on your online store. Abandoned cart emails alone can recoup 30% of sales. Combined with a badass welcome series, these emails move the highest number of subscribers into the path to purchase.
Email really is the unsung hero of cannabis marketing. Reaching out directly to an engaged group of consumers with content that is unique will convert subscribers to fans and a loyal base of repeat customers. If you’re feeling excited and ready to dive in, reach out to our email experts at cannabis@sourcemarketinggroup.com for a free discovery call and consulting session on your email program.
Author Profile

Kaylee is a teacher-turned-writer. She graduated from Truman State University with a Bachelor in English Composition and a Master in English Education. She spent the last 8 years teaching high school students about writing concisely and effectively, and now she’s putting her money where her mouth is. Her passion for the written word and clear communication drive her to revise compulsively and read voraciously. Kaylee values genuine relationships and embodies her client's voice in everything she writes.